A Life-Giving Cause

Drinking Water is Life Yet, many don't have!

Water is life, feel the thurst

Give the gift of life today

Water is a basic human right

Help us make it a reality for all

Clean water is not a luxury

It's a necessity

Our Causes

Water Pump Donation
$90 USD

With your generous donation, you will contribute to the installation of a water pump. This pump will provide clean water to communities in need, improving their health and overall living conditions. Your support will be acknowledged with gratitude, and you will receive updates on the impact your donation has made.

Water Well Donation
$225 USD

By making this donation, you will sponsor the construction of a water well. This well will become a sustainable source of clean water for communities facing water scarcity, greatly enhancing their quality of life. As a token of appreciation, we will send you videos of the well’s completion and the names you’ve chosen being announced at the site.

General Donation

Make a general donation to support our various charitable initiatives and projects. Your contribution will be used where it is needed most.

Feed The Needy

Your donation will help us provide nutritious meals to those who are hungry and in need. Every contribution makes a difference.

Support Palestine

Make a donation to support people suffering in Gaza, Palestine.

A Life-Giving Cause​

Welcome to Forgive Me Allah

In a world of abundance, it’s easy to forget that there are still countless places where life’s most fundamental resources, such as clean water, remain a distant dream. Forgive Me Allah is a beacon of hope in these forgotten corners of the world. Our mission is to bring life-changing transformation to villages and impoverished regions by providing them with a basic necessity they’ve been deprived of – clean, accessible water.

Clean Water, A Universal Right

What We Do

Access to clean water is a basic human right. Yet, millions of people around the world are forced to endure the hardships of walking miles each day just to collect water that is often contaminated and unsafe to drink. At Forgive Me Allah, we believe it is our moral duty to extend our hand to these communities and change their lives for the better.

Building Wells, Transforming Lives: Our organization specializes in creating water wells in villages and poor nations. These wells are not just a source of clean water; they are a lifeline for entire communities. We construct wells in the most impoverished areas, where people often lack even the most basic shelter, electricity, and access to clean water. With your support, we can change this reality.

What You Can Do

Your Donation Will Make a Difference

When you choose to donate to Forgive Me Allah, you are choosing to make a profound impact. Your generous contribution will go directly towards constructing water wells in deprived areas. You have the option to make your donation in your name, the name of your family members, or even in memory of a loved one. Every drop of clean water that flows from these wells is a testament to your compassion.

Witness the Transformation: We believe in transparency and accountability. Once a well is completed, you will receive a heartwarming video showcasing the village you’ve supported. Your name, or the name of your loved one, will be announced as they celebrate the arrival of clean water. Your kindness will resonate through these villages for generations.

Feeding the Souls, Not Just Bodies: At Forgive Me Allah, we go beyond water wells. We also take part of your donations to ensure that no one sleeps hungry. We slaughter cows and goats, preparing delicious, nutritious meals mixed with rice, herbs, and seasonings. These meals are served to children at local orphanages and in mosques, where young minds are preparing to become future Quran hifz and hafiz’s. Your contribution supports both their spiritual and physical nourishment.

Join Our Mission

Forgive Me Allah is more than a charity; it’s a conduit of hope, transformation, and compassion. With your support, we can continue our life-changing work, one well at a time. We invite you to be a part of this journey. Together, we can make a difference and alleviate the suffering of those who deserve clean water and the chance to thrive.

Your contribution is a step towards making the world a better place. Join us in our mission to create a brighter, healthier future for communities in need. Donate now and be a part of a cause that truly changes lives.